EU Deforestation-free Regulation bans the production of goods and commodities from deforested lands. It requires operators to know the plot-of-land origin.
Under this proposal, green claims will require companies making green claims to back up claims using a standard methodology to assess environmental impact.
The Global Fashion Agenda contributed a case study on the Circular Fashion Partnership for the TrusTrace Traceability Playbook, published in 2022. Below, learn more about this exciting circular economy initiative supported by leading industry groups like the H&M Group, Bestseller and C&A.
Welcome to the Traceability Edit, TrusTrace's curated list of news to know from the month. In April, Textile Exchange published its 8th Material Change Insights report, SAC's Andrew Martin discusses legislation, and a decade since Rana Plaza, has anything really changed for garment workers?
Global sports brand adidas is one of the first large businesses in the footwear and apparel sector to achieve material traceability at scale, gaining greater visibility into its complete supply chain down to the material level, by using TrusTrace’s digital traceability platform.
Take control of your supply chain risk, compliance, and impact with the world’s leading traceability platform for fashion, footwear and textile supply chains. Start by speaking with the TrusTrace team today.