TrusTrace in Focus

RECAP: Launching the Playbook on Unlocking DPPs

28 May 2024


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    For the third year in a row, TrusTrace launches a pivotal guide for the fashion industry. Having previously launched The Traceability Playbook in 2022; explaining the ‘why and what’ of traceability, and The Traceability Roadmap in 2023; a concrete guide how to implement traceability to achieve business goals, this year’s playbook delves into the in-and-outs of the highly anticipated Digital Product Passport framework for fashion and textiles. Get the playbook.


    espr and dpp

    This year’s playbook theme aligns with the Global Fashion Summit as it unpacks the why, what, and how of Digital Product Passports (DPP) as mandated under the EU’s Ecodesign of Sustainable Products Regulation (ESPR). The future of fashion and textiles will be filled with data disclosure to ensure the way to circularity in the EU, and this playbook preps you for this seismic shift in the industry.

    the Annual rendezvous point for leaders

    The annual launch event served as the rendezvous point for leading brands and retailers to learn and discuss the best way to prepare for the ESPR and DPPs. Participants heard from experts who have piloted an end-to-end DPP data and system infrastructure for textile products entering the EU market, as part of a 2-year Trace4value pilot study that TrusTrace has carried out with brands Kappahl and Marimekko, together with standards experts GS1 and Swedish Institute of Standards, and more.

    “DPPs serve as a critical element in constructing the data, insights, and infrastructure necessary to drive a truly circular economy, as well as unlocking novel business opportunities, “ says Shameek Ghosh, CEO of TrusTrace, “but how to effectively create and implement them is not clear today. This is what we are aiming to clarify in this book.”

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    The DPP is Coming

    As the industry shifts to an increasingly regulated industry with significant surges in transparency demands and proof of compliance, fashion and footwear leaders came together to network over how they are preparing for the EU’s transition towards circular economies and all its implications including the implementation of DPPs.

    With valuable insights in the Unlocking DPP playbook from GANNI, Kappahl, Marimekko and other circularity experts, the guide will provide you with a comprehensive look at how to design your DPP program to align with the proposed framework, as well as meet the obligation of the governing regulation, ESPR.


    DPP data is already available

    Saravanan Parisutham, COO of TrusTrace, declares that most TrusTrace customers who have traced their products for their initial business purposes are in a favorable position to populate the data as per the DPP framework. The framework itself just happens to be another ‘consumer’ of the data that is actively collected for compliance and other business applications.

    By sharing more on the granularity of the data you can get from digital traceability platforms and some key results from already completed DPP pilot projects, we empower more brands to stay ahead of the curve and managing data for regulations before they come into force. Doing so drives more responsible practices and discovering the business opportunities that come with unprecedented supply chain data and insights.

    Check out the rest of the insight by downloading your copy of the Unlocking DPP: the Why, What and How of Digital Product Passports from TrusTrace.

    ready to trace?

    Take control of your supply chain risk, compliance, and impact with the world’s leading traceability platform for fashion, footwear and textile supply chains. Start by speaking with the TrusTrace team today.